Saturday, April 28, 2012
Fun weekend!!
Urban had his first boat ride last week and loved every minute of it on the boat!!! Also Brightyn had a gymnastics meet. It's so fun watching her it amazes me the talent she has. She just recently got asked to be on a team that basically is training them to be on the Olympics team!!! Addie also had her first dance convention. She is so good at dance it's crazy. I taught her the other day and she was pulling five turns and switch tilts, she's 8 by the way!!! Stockton also plays baseball everyday and is unreal, he got his first home run a couple of weeks ago! If you can't tell I'm one proud aunt!!! As for Mason he was just recently on the uvu magazine and had an amazing article written about him!!! He is doing so well, and I'm so happy for him! He is at his conference championship right now and he made a hole in one!!! I'm so proud of him!! As for me I'm loving life I have the best jobs in the world, the most amazing husband, and a baby I love more than words can describe!!! I'm blessed to say the least!!
Sunday, April 8, 2012
Wow it's been along time...
K so a lot has gone on since my last post but I will just begin from this last month!! We've been so blessed to be able to be at the master this week. It's beyond amazing having Tiger two feet in front of you! My hope is bubba will win this year, cross your fingers!!! But a little update Mason and I now have been married two years. It's crazy how time fly's and man I can't even explain how much I love him! He is the most genuine, loving, affectionate man I know! I swear I have at least 5 people a week tell me how good of a man he is. I swear everyone thinks mase is their best friend. Let's just say I strive to be more like him everyday, I'm one lucky girl to be married to someone so incredible!! Also my baby boy, agh words can't even describe him! He is the most amazing thing in this word I love him so so much!!!
Thursday, August 25, 2011
Exciting News!!!
So I have been a slacker on keeping up on my blog. We have new and exciting news.....Were having a BABY BOY!! We are so excited, I am due Novemeber 23. Only 3 more month until we meet our little guy! We moved into our own place, which we are loving. Mase starts school next week and is so excited for the golf season to begin. Its bitter sweet for me. I love that he loves golfing every day and when he does great in tournaments, but it sucks having him gone so much. From Sept.4- NOv. 6 he will we gone 6 of the weeks traveling. So lots of traveling for him! As for me I'm start teaching dance again next week and am so excited about it. I was lucky enough to get some really good teams, so this year is going to be a blast teaching. We have had a great summer full of golf, boating, and lots of fun!

Tuesday, March 1, 2011
Update on whats going on with the Casper Family.
Mason Recently joined the UVU golf team and I couldn't be happier. Everyone always asked him why he didn't play for a collage, he would always tell them he has never wanted too. I knew that if he didn't play he would regret it forever. Once I told him that he agreed with me and got cleared through the clearing house to play. Luckily Coach Curran was awesome to work with and put mase on half way through the season. Well a week before his first collage tournament Mase won the tournament and then a week after that ended up winning the whole golf collage tournament, which rarely happens for most people in their first collage tournament; if it even happends at all. So Mase is doing awesome and I couldn't be happier for him. On top of practicing golf every day mason attends school full time and works with my uncle doing wood work. Which we couldn't be more grateful for him always working around mason school, he has helped us out more than he knows. Thanks Shawn!
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As for me, I'm still watching my sister kids. I have the best job in the world, and love her kids more than anything. I'm also teaching dance at Center Stage and am loving that also. I recently choreographed Addie a solo, and i just have to say she is unbelievable it amazes me that talent she has at the age of 7! She is defiantly someone you need to watch for, cause she is going places. Love you ADD's! WE DON'T HAVE HER SOLO RECORDED, WHEN WE DO ILL POST IT!
Mason Recently joined the UVU golf team and I couldn't be happier. Everyone always asked him why he didn't play for a collage, he would always tell them he has never wanted too. I knew that if he didn't play he would regret it forever. Once I told him that he agreed with me and got cleared through the clearing house to play. Luckily Coach Curran was awesome to work with and put mase on half way through the season. Well a week before his first collage tournament Mase won the tournament and then a week after that ended up winning the whole golf collage tournament, which rarely happens for most people in their first collage tournament; if it even happends at all. So Mase is doing awesome and I couldn't be happier for him. On top of practicing golf every day mason attends school full time and works with my uncle doing wood work. Which we couldn't be more grateful for him always working around mason school, he has helped us out more than he knows. Thanks Shawn!
a onblur="try {parent.deselectBloggerImageGracefully();} catch(e) {}" href="">

As for me, I'm still watching my sister kids. I have the best job in the world, and love her kids more than anything. I'm also teaching dance at Center Stage and am loving that also. I recently choreographed Addie a solo, and i just have to say she is unbelievable it amazes me that talent she has at the age of 7! She is defiantly someone you need to watch for, cause she is going places. Love you ADD's! WE DON'T HAVE HER SOLO RECORDED, WHEN WE DO ILL POST IT!

Friday, December 10, 2010
Christmas time!
I love Christmas time. I love going to the mall's and smelling christmas in the air. I love the christmas lights and being able to spend time with family. Plus I love shopping and this time of year you can do it all the time. It is my favorite thing ever to give gifts. I get so excited, I have a huge problem though, because I get so excited I can't keep it a secret. Something I need to work on. Plus i'm a snoop I always some how find out everything, last year my engagement. So this year I'm not gonna snoop, well try not too. ; ) But everyone needs to go to the riverwood's this year at night time. They have it decorated so cute and it is so fun down there!
Friday, November 19, 2010
Fun Times...Back home!

So I haven't posted forever, so I thought today might be a good day on an update. Life is great, were back with the people we love and we are loving it. Mason is working with my uncle Shawn in his wood shop and going to school full time. Starting in January he will be on the UVU golf team and is so excited. Im so happy that he decided to play, because he loves the game so much and I guess he is pretty good at it.....;) But I love that he is doing something he absolutely loves.

As for me, I back doing the thing I love most....Hanging out with my nieces and nephew. I seriously have the best job in the world. Right now I don't get to tend Addie and Stockton a lot because they have school all day. So Bright and paisley and I get to hang out all day it is the best. Im also going to school full time and recently got asked to teach at Center Stage in orem. I use to hate teaching dance but Im loving it there. It is so fun watching the girls improve over time....
Recently I've lost my camera cord so all the picture I have are from my phone.... But here are some fun things we've been up too (Note: No pictures of stockton or really Addie, Stockton didn't come with us to do face painting and the rest is when addie and stockton were at school).
Last but not least it's BIRTHDAY MONTH: Addie, Stockton, My mom, and My dad!
Some Favorite things about them.......
Mom and Dad:
I just want you guys to know that I love you so much. Thanks for anyways being there and being so supportive. You guys have given me the world and I thank you guys so much for it. You guys are the best parents anyone could ask for. I love you guys so much and hope you had a great birthday!!!!
Tuesday, August 3, 2010
Fun Things....!
This sunday Mason took me golfing, It was so much fun and I did really good....well Mason at least has to tell me that. On the first two holes I shot 4 over on each hole...Which I didn't think was to bad But when I woke but in the morning, I was so sore all over! The next day they had an incentive with mason's work! They threw $300 dollars into the pool; then the boys all dived in and gathered as much Money as the could. It was so funny to watch and run around handing mason his cup! In the end he ended up with $40 Dollars. Not to bad, Love you babes you did awesome!
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